Rohit Gautam

Software | Geospatial Developer
Personal Details

Email: [email protected]

Languages: Nepali, English

Nationality: Nepali

About Me

Highly motivated and results-oriented Software Developer with 4+ years of experience in software development, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Large Language Models(LLMs). Passionate about leveraging emerging technologies like LLMs to automate workflows, and enhance productivity.

Work Experience

Here are my major work Experience

Software Developer (LLM-focused)

NAXA (2023-present)

During my tenure, I spearheaded the development of innovative internal tools that significantly improved developer productivity. I also designed and implemented AI-powered solutions for streamlining UI and data visualization processes. Additionally, I conducted research on advanced machine learning models, focusing on geospatial applications and natural language processing.

Frontend / WEBGIS Developer

NAXA (2019-present)

At NAXA , I got chance to learn a lot of software Development Concepts. Also I have been involved in development and management of various web based geospatial tools and applications.

Open Source Contribution

Mostly I try to contribute more in python based projects. I have contributed to leafmap by Dr. Qiusheng Wu. To Develop open source geospatial tools we have established "GEOSPASOLUTIONS" under which we have already developed AHP_calculator . Many More to come.

Personal Projects

To learn new language, framework or technology, I create my own projects which help me to learn fast and in efficient way. One of my successful personal project is Jhandimunda Game(60k+ downloads) in flutter. It is generating my pocket money passively 😉

Editor in Chief for Geospace - VOL. IV

Kathmandu University

While working on this magazine, I learned about the importance of team work to make any project successful. On GIS Day of 2018 we had successfully launched the GEOSPACE- VOL IV with Geospatial articles from students, professional and researchers.


My Work & Portfolio

A LLM(GPT3.5) powered tool that helps to query OSM data in simple natural language.
Identification And Mapping Of Humanitarian Open Spaces
An initiative to identify and map Open spaces for Humanitarian purposes across several locations, development of digital modules on National DIMS platform for open spaces data storage and visualization.
Zite is an integrated platform to help teams and organizations manage and monitor projects or programs with multiple, distributed work sites
A web based platform to store and disseminate high resolution images captured from drones and other data products
Data Visualization System(DVS)
A highly interactive data visualization dashboard consolidating information from all Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office programs.
Open Data Portal
An open data initiative to store, disseminate and visualize different thematic datasets of Changunarayan municipality for the public good.
Hamro Swasthya
A digital initiative (Mobile app and Open data portal) by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) Nepal to disseminate official statistics related to COVID cases in the country and other health safety messages related to Covid awareness.
Jhandi Munda Game
Jhandi Munda is a popular dice betting game played in different parts of Nepal and India. It is Built in flutter and published for android mobile platform.
Python package for Jupyter enviroment to calculate weights and CI values of AHP models for different criterias.

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